Congratulations, Jessica!

Jessica recently was awarded a NIH F31 fellowship grant entitled “HIV/Mycobacterium tuberculosis co-infection: cellular dynamics in granulomas.” This will fund the rest of her PhD studies as well as the rest of her medical school education. Jessica is using spatial transcriptomics and immunofluorescence imaging of granulomas to understand how HIV alters host immune responses to […]

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Congratulations to Alex!

We are so proud of Alex for successfully defending her MPH thesis in the Pitt School of Public Health today! She did a fantastic job and we can’t wait to see all the great things she does when she joins PMI in the fall!

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Join our team!

The Ambrose Lab is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to join our team to understand how SARS-CoV-2 replicates in cells. Apply online at, Job #24001352.

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2024 WCRM

Join us in Palm Springs in October for the 28th West Coast Retroviruses Meeting. Visit the website for more details!

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Meriem receives conference award!

Meriem recently attended the 2023 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS) conference in sunny Phoenix, Arizona. She presented a poster entitled, “Characterizing New Humanized Mouse Models for Investigating HIV-1 Infection,” which was based on experiments she completed with Chandra this semester. Not only did Meriem receive a travel grant to attend ABRCMS, she […]

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Zac and Alex honored in student symposia

The Pitt Biomedical Graduate Student Association (BGSA) Symposium was held on November 1st at the new Assembly Building. Zac’s abstract was one of the 6 that were invited for an oral presentation out of approximately 120 abstracts! He gave a nice talk (“HIV-1 nuclear entry requires spatiotemporal binding of cyclophilin A and CPSF6 to capsid”), […]

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Our study on pediatric thymus to humanize mice is out!

Chandra’s work has been published, in which he evaluated the ability of pediatric thymus tissue implanted either in leg muscle or under the renal capsule with allogeneic CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells in NSG mice to reconstitute human immune cells and provide a model for rectal HIV-1 transmission. These models were compared with traditional BLT mice […]

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Zac presents at his first conference

Congratulations to Zac for presenting a talk on his research at the 2023 Cold Spring Harbor Retroviruses meeting!           Zac represented the lab well at CSH. Apparently he was a finalist in the new RetroCard game, which rewards trainees for asking questions during the meeting.     And he met many […]

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Alex is officially a graduate student!

Congratulations to Alex for recently defending her BPhil honors thesis project, “Developing an efficient binding assay to quantify molecular interactions with the profilin protein,” which she conducted in Dr. Andy VanDemark’s lab. She graduates from the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences this weekend and officially becomes a MPH student in the Department of Infectious […]

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Collaboration on SARS-CoV-2 entry inhibition with Gronenborn lab

Our collaborators Alex Guseman and Angela Gronenborn proposed that lectins in the Oscillatoria agardhii agglutinin (OAA) family could bind SARS-CoV-2 S protein and inhibit infection. Using S pseudotyped lentivirus, Chandra showed that one OAA lectin, BOA, could potently inhibit infection (2 nM EC50). This was confirmed in collaboration with the Duprex lab and David Martinez […]

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