Congratulations, Dr. Fischer!

Today Doug Fischer became Dr. Doug Fischer as he successfully defended his PhD thesis in the graduate Program in Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine! His thesis is titled “Examination of the Role of HIV-1 Capsid Sequence on Virus Infectivity, Host Protein Interactions, and Capsid Uncoating” and has led thus […]

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PhD student Zhou Zhong presents in our annual MMG Day retreat

Today Zhou presented his latest work in our departmental retreat on HIV-1 microtubule trafficking in cells. Good job, Zhou! The retreat was fantastic with 6 research talks from MMG trainees (PhD students and postdoctoral fellows), 2 seminars from invited speakers (Drs. Houra Merrikh and Eva Harris), and a presentation on diversity in science. Speaking of […]

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Our collaborator Pleuni Pennings visited from San Francisco this week

We were lucky to have Dr. Pleuni Pennings come give a seminar in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics this week on the evolution of HIV-1 drug resistance evolution. While she was here, we had a half day think tank with Pleuni and Ling Lin’s lab, during which discussed our projects together on HIV and Mycobacterium tuberculosis co-infection and how the […]

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